
Constructive Eating

The team at KydLoves are chuffed to be stocking Constructive Eating.  This fun company strives to make products that combine fun with function. Their utensils, plates and place mats are all designed to both be fun for children and to help keep them engaged during meal times.

Constructive Eating

The founders started Constructive Eating shortly after their children fell in love with constructive equipment in their formative years.  They quickly became obsessed.  Anything and everything became focused on construction.  The family room became home to road graders, dump trucks and tower cranes. The bedroom became filled with construction themed carpets, shirts and sheets.  It wasn't long before they were asked to put Cheerios on the floor to act as a form of rubble for their little ones bulldozer.  This made them ponder… what if breakfast, lunch and dinner could become “rubble?”  What if forks, spoons and pushers were the “machines?”  It was in that instant that Constructive Eating was born. 

Constructive Eating now features several award-winning products.  The Construction Plates feature obstacles that work cooperatively with the utensils to help children be more independent with their meals.  A work site place mat enables children to easily set their own place at the table.


As Constructive Eating has grown, they have kept much of their manufacturing close to their head office in America.  In doing so they are able to remain confident that the manufacturing of their utensils, plates and place mats is safe.  This is close to their hearts as it important to ensure their products that involve young children and their food are safe for all concerned. 

Although Constructive Eating has been fortunate to grow, it is still owned and run by the same parents whose young child inspired them to start the business.  And those parents are still designing and manufacturing products that continue to help parents like themselves have fun and productive mealtimes with their children.

We here at Kydloves hope that you will love the Constructive Eating range as much as we do!  Come and check it out today. 

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